Friday, May 22, 2009

Come out, come out, no use in hiding. Come now, come now, can you not see ...

Back in the train with a strained left quad. Lessons learned: I am old. I really need to stretch before playing. Don't try to make up for one bad play by over exerting on the next. Quads control the UP stroke on your bicycle so push don't pull. Ibuprofen is good. Ambien puts you to sleep. And lastly: It is possible to ride a bicycle with a travel mug full of latte in the "water bottle" pocket of your backpack. Just check the top carefuly and aim accordingly.

I have been meaning to create a Top5 nonsense lyric songs list on Fafebook but I can't think of 5 good enough to include. Easy ones "Surfin' Bird" - "oo mao mao boppa oo mao mao", "Pinhead" by The Ramones "Gabba Gabba Hey", "Witch Doctor" by Alvin and the Chipmunks "oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang". But after that nothng seems to be good enough. Let me know if you have one so I can put a lid on this. Honestly, this is taking too many cycles from my daily brain allotment.

Iphone says, "In the City" by The Eagles

"It's survival in the city, when you live from day to day. City streets don't have much pity, when you're down that's where you'll stay."

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