Friday, March 27, 2009

Because the world is round it turns me on ...

Don't worry this is only a test. If it works it should make it much easier to blog from the iPhone.


On the iPhone, "Because" by the Beatles

"Because the win is high it blows my mind."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream ...

Gotta go with it this week. Found out that I have hit 15 pounds lost since the car was destroyed. Need to go buy size 34s (34 x 32 for anyone who cares ;) ). Kids having fun all night at A and B's house then Y camp swimming. Kris and I saw "I love you man" yesterday and I would recommend it with the exception of the puking scenes. Our audio was bad in the theater so we got 4 free tickets. Kudos AMC. you retained our $.

iPhone says "Gin and Juice" by Snoop Dog

" With so much drama in the LBC it's kinda hard being Snoop D-O-double-G."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh let the sun beat down upon my face. Stars to fill my dreams ...

It's been non stop at work and the kids are on spring break this week. Kris has exercises at the Y while kids at camp and is seeing the rewards from all the cakes she made for the fund raiser. Kids at Spring Break Y camp this week as well.

Questions are flying in the valley due to the facebook redesign. But more ominous and far more worrisome is the fact that many of OUR PARENTS ARE JOINING FACEBOOK. The proverbial shark jumping moment. I am sure the Tweens and Twentys were quaking in their baggy jeans and micro minis when I joined two years ago. But like Xcite, Yahoo, Google and MySpace there is nowhere to run and hide ... Right now. Give it a few, "Do you have to use such language?" posts on your wall to see how fast it happens. Twitter is an alternative but not as rich. Which seems to be the way social web is moving. Pretty soon it will be like the joke where inmates at the state penn tell jokes by shouting out a number as everyone knows them all. I can see it now a website call "OnOrOff" where people communicate in binary messages of 150 characters or less.


Ah well, some can tell a joke and some can't.

iPhone says, "Lunch Lady Land" by Adam Sandler

"Well yesterday's meatloaf is today's Sloppy Joes. And my breath reeks of tuna and there's lots black hair coming out of my nose."