Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why yes, yes I am in charge here

If you stand on a train platform with a bicycle it becomes obvious to others that you are someone who knows something. "Which way are you going?", was this stranger's question.

"North", I obviously knew what I was talking about.

"Is that Winchester?", was the reply.

"That train just left", oh yeah I am the boss here.

"How long til the next one?"

"15 minutes," I made it sound like I had just updated the main train schedule that day so I knew better than any man alive when the next one was due.

He nodded approvingly to my superior mad rail skillz and he was gone. Another satisfied VTA client.

Now to the 51min mailbag. John B in Oakland asks about binge drinking in the early 80's. Yes, I left a good part of my liver at Red's too. Honestly, all I remember is sitting at a table of 4 and having one person go to the bar with $2 and return with 4 shots. Thanks for dislodging that memory. Our second letter comes from a Paul Q in Seattle. PQ wants to know if it's only 13 miles door to door why I don't just bike the whole way. I can honestly answer that it is really the equipment's fault. Especially the knees, ankles and lower back. If I stay sans-voiture too long I may just be able to pull that off. I will need some road tires and a helmet that fits and doesn't look like I am wearing a salad bowl and possibly some cycle specific shoe and maybe 25 less pounds but it's doable.

iPhone says, "Rubberband Man" by the Spinners, "Everything he does seems to turn out right."

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