Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Someone had written "Dork" on the inside of the far track at my beloved Reamwood and I noticed it this morning. A dual-meaning word I took it to infer that I, the rider, was somehow less of a person than the average due to a need to ride the light rail. While that might be the writer's intent, my household uses the term like "geek", "nerd" or "lovable dimwit". I am a dork for Buckeye football, US Soccer (vs. Mexico live from Columbus TONIGHT) or my kids. I am a dork when I talk about the Mac OS, when I buy "my kind of stuff" on ebay or when I focus on a single song for weeks at a time (Just like Tom Thumbs Blues - Neil Young at Bob Dylan's 30th Anniversary Concert). But mostly I'm a dork when I think about my wife, she's the one who calls me dork when she is happy with my uniqueness and can't find any normal way of describing her feelings. See, you can't call yourself a dork. You need someone willing and able to do it for/to you. So thanks anonymous-paint-pen dude/dudette you gave me a reason to love my life, my family and my innate dorkyness.

On the iPhone: "Sparks are Gonna Fly" - Catherine Wheel

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