Friday, February 13, 2009

And I don't want to feel so all alone ...

On the platform there were two groups of nare-do-wells, ruffians, people we referred to in high school as "heads" and not due to their higher than average IQs. I assume to this day that it was short for "pot-head" but I never was sure. Kris' school had the same group and called them the "loungers”. Neither one is particularly descriptive. Mine sounds like we were calling them “smart” and her’s sounds like they were just generically “lazy”.

Anyway you know these guys 16-17 years old, greasy hair, loose fitting clothes, hoodies, skateboard shoes, hat askew, 3-6 month shadow you know, rebels without a clue. But what really caught my attention was how organized they were. Wow if we had cell phones when I was in HS we would have been in much more trouble than we already were. One group waited for their third member and even talked him in to the station from wherever he was prior. Once there, he walked down the rail to the opposite end of he platform (no third rail here it's all overhead) right before the train arrived. They boarded the first car and I took my seat with my now repaired front wheel in the bike car of the second.

I know the ticket checkers now and they smile at me as I show my ticket. It's gray and dark at 4:54 I hope I make it home before the rain starts.

Well we will see if the car search goes off this weekend. Let you know Monday.

On the iPhone, "Things to do in Denver When You're Dead" by Warren Zevon

"Home is just a place to hang your head. And dream up things to do in Denver when you're dead."

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