Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The time I like is the rush hour cause I like the rush ...

So I don't have a car, but I have a rain suit ($14), a pump and a helmet ($0 on Freecycle). Check to see if you have one locally it's the bomb. It has rained non-stop for 3 days and is raining now. The yellow rain suit only served to keep my front dry sadly the back opens when you wear a backpack under it. Luckily there are pants, under, socks and shoes waiting for me.

Yeah! What a lousy day. Didn't post this on the way in as I was totally discombobulated. Rain suit did its job and I did not need to change pants or socks. Spent the day catching up but never got there. Need to work it out tonight.

Now, on to funner things. It was beautiful when I left the office at 4:55 but as I stood waiting on the platform I noticed the clouds moving in off of he Santa Cruz mountains. We will see what the weather is when I get off. I am starting to see a pattern. Colder and darker it gets the greater the chance of an afternoon storm. Which I have nothing against mind you but only when it involves cooling down the obligatory August afternoon. When it's February and already in the, hold your breath New Yorkers, 40's I am not so much in favor. It really has brought my whole "rah-rah" going green excitement right down to .... Earth.

Saw "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Slumdog Millionaire" with Kris yesterday. Kids went to SF Academy of Science with their aunt Kama so we had the day to ourselves. I will leave it to your imagination to figure out how much we spent on two movies and all the necessary refreshments. Here's a hint, you guessed too high.

And now the Honda needs me to look at it. Home repair is part of my thing right now. I need to get a part and install it in a very inaccessible place behind the front right tire. Here's hoping the part is available.

Ah well, forward to the future!

iPhone says, "Pretty Maids all in a Row" by The Eagles

"Why do we give up our hearts to the past and why must we grow up so fast?"

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