Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well long as I remember, the rain's been falling down....

Do you know those days that you just know some other shoe was going to drop and you were just sure it was going to hit you? Yeah? Thought I was in the middle of one today and .. nada nothing if anything it was a nice warm sunny day. Kris is fine, kids are back to school after the long weekend, I did some work that caught me up some and I may be able to fix the car. (Penelope the Odyssey that is).

This is the latest Ive been on the train so far and the real rush hour folks seem to be here more so than the early trains. There's this homeless guy with the nicest looking hair I have ever seen. And another with those Jack Kent Cook wraparounds STARING at me every time I look up. Oh geez I just looked again. It's making my job of projecting my insecurities onto others much more difficult.

Strange what you see in the dark that you miss in the AM. Just passed a bank and 3 bail bondsman near the "Civic Center". Makes you wonder if the bank chose to be there. It must be a neighborhood establishment that's all I can think of.

Oh Christ, I looked up again.

iPhone says, "The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys" by Traffic

"If you had just a minute to breathe, and they granted you one final wish, would you ask for something like another chance?"

Ah crap, he's still there!

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