Friday, April 10, 2009

Now here I am the angel of mirth and I have come to bring you my burden ...

I realize today it's 2 months since I started on the train. I thought I would feel more holier than thou for all the green reasons but in actuality I am very comfortable with what I am doing and that makes me happy inside where it counts. Which is a very bad segue into today's question.

Bowling? A difficult question with many levels of existential angst, and stuff. My team at work was supposed to go hiking toady as a team builder. But with the newly found ability of the atmosphere to pour down water from the clouds (yes it's raining again) we has to cancel and instead go to Strike! a new fangled nightclub as bowling alley establishment in Cupertino. Which brings me to my dilemma. Do I bowl like I want to or do I try to calm down and take it easy. I mean I grew up bowling at the Elks Lodge on Saturday mornings all winter long with Jimmy Dilello who at the age of 11 or 12 would raise the ball over his head on the back swing and simply obliterate the pins (and the back wall of the alley). But this is business and as Kris says there's politics everywhere. Luckily bowling is more than one game. I can do OK but hold back on the first game or two and then pull out something in the last one. Thanks nameless faceless Internet, you made my decision very easy.

iPhone says, "Don't f*** Me Up With Peace and Love" by Cracker

"Now here I am the game warden of love, 'til someone took away my gin and tonic."

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